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BlueTech Incubator (BTI)

We provide first-class facility space, mentorship, pro bono legal counsel, TMA connections and resources

Instead of importing the world’s problems, we need to be developing and exporting solutions

TMA BlueTech's BTI (BlueTech Incubator) fosters early stage, innovative, sustainable, science-based ocean & water/wastewater tech companies, helping propel them to greater opportunity and financial viability.

TMA's BTI provides first-class office and meeting spaces, mentorship, and pro bono legal counsel. In addition, startups in the BTI get access to the biggest benefit of all, TMA's global network of BlueTech clusters, companies, funding resources and policy makers, as well as an open invitation to participate in all of our member-based activities.

In shot, we bring together the Triple-Helix of Academia, Industry & Policy Makers for purposes of "Fostering Innovation Through Collaboration® " to create a supportive network for our companies to connect and thrive.

Why join the BTI?

TMA Foundation is making an impact

Facility space, TMA connections and resources

Increased sales and

Info about TMA


*2012 San Diego Maritime Industry Report

Apply as a BTI company

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BTI Testimonials

Quotation marks

Since joining the BTI program, our company has benefited tremendously from TMA’s enormous network in the BlueTech industry, both in the States and abroad. These opportunities have broadened our horizon.

Jack Pan
CEO, Ocean Motion Technologies
Quotation marks

As a startup non-profit with minimal funding, use of the BTI corporate office space accelerated the establishment of our management infrastructure, including nonprofit legal designation.

Susan Baer
Executive Director, Clear Blue Sea
Quotation marks

Being a part of BTI has proven very beneficial for me professionally and for my company, Intellecy. We have been able to expand our network and meet several professionals as a result of our association with TMA.

Emilio Vargas
CEO, Intellecy Inc.
Quotation marks

Being a part of BTI has proven very beneficial for me professionally and for my company, Intellecy. We have been able to expand our network and meet several professionals as a result of our association with TMA.

Emilio Vargas
CEO, Intellecy Inc.
Quotation marks

As a startup non-profit with minimal funding, use of the BTI corporate office space accelerated the establishment of our management infrastructure, including nonprofit legal designation.

Susan Baer
Executive Director, Clear Blue Sea
Quotation marks

Since joining the BTI program, our company has benefited tremendously from TMA’s enormous network in the BlueTech industry, both in the States and abroad. These opportunities have broadened our horizon.

Jack Pan
CEO, Ocean Motion Technologies

Meet our collaborators

TMA BlueTech has a growing list of members from many sectors - over 100 from start-up to multinationals, national and international. Please join us!

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Application FAQs

What happens once I've submitted my application?
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Once submitted, your application is read by Incubator Staff and - if it seems like a fit - will be followed by a phone/video or in-person interview with a small screening committee.  Following the initial interview we may request a 2nd interview to answer additional questions.  If the application is denied you'll be notified with our comments and reasoning.  If we move forward with your application you can expect information including starting date.  Typical terms at BTI are 6 month increments.

Will I receive funding?
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BTI does not provide funding, but does provide office space, a mentorship program, monthly events, introductions to service providers and investors, and connections to our global network of contacts. We are also trying to help establish BlueTech-oriented investment funds that could invest in incubator companies in the future.

Who should apply?
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Any ocean or water/wastewater tech company looking for a leg up in the BlueTech industry.

How many applicants are accepted?
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The BTI program can accommodate 6 companies. We accept companies on a rolling basis, depending on what type of space we have available.

Do I have to be located in San Diego?
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Yes, for now, all companies wanting to be a part of the BTI must be located in the San Diego area.

Are there any prerequisites?
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Other than being focused on innovative technologies and/or services for the Ocean & Water/Wastewater industries, we have no prerequisites to being incubated. We believe in lowering the barriers to entry, which can include assisting early stage companies navigate through incorporation, legal work, and later investment. And we ask that companies attend incubator talks, including monthly “Executive Talks”, and other events whenever possible.

TMA BlueTech supports the
UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals